One participant,
Two slips of paper,
Three POWERFUL climaxes!
“This may be my favorite plot of yours, Docc.”
Jeff McBride
Here’s what it looks like:
A subject is given two slips of paper.
On one he writes a single desire, say BMW.
The other is left blank.
The folded slips are mixed by the subject and held one in each fist.
The mentalist knows what the DESIRE is and where the “empty” billet is!
The slip is opened to prove it.
The slips are mixed so that the subject is unaware of which is which.
The mentalist still finds the “emptiness” of the blank slip.
It’s opened to prove it.
Finally, to eliminate all desire, the written slip is burned to ash.
A pinch of the ash is rubbed on the skin of the mentalist and the desire APPEARS…
written in the same handwriting as it was on the billet!!!
Check out these FEATURES:
Unlike many “which Hand” effects, there are NO PSYCHOLOGICAL PLOYS involved.
Discernment is %100 certain.
Unlike other “Ash on the Arm” effects,
And the word appears written in ash the same way it was written by the subject!
The plot and patter are a joy.
A brief demonstration of the elimination of worldly desire.
A Buddhist concept that’s meant to lead to joy.
This is emotional theater at its best.
With just a couple pieces of paper, you can show the secret of divine happiness in miniature play form, right at someone’s table.
30 minute MP4 video
Instant Download
Learn some secret billet work that most never see.
Docc Hilford teaches you step-by-step how to fold, handle and control with SIMPLE and EASY TO DO moves.
Original release date 2013
Mentalism and Magick is arguably the most noble of pursuits. Both are reliant upon the enjoyment of others. When an audience of any size, from one to one hundred, enjoy a mentalism effect or magick trick, the hobbyist also finds joy. Many hobbyists take their joy to the next level and become professional.
The new Not Docc company has retooled every aspect of the business. With a new dedication to customer service and more cost effective ways of getting more information to more people, Not Docc is committed.
Docc is enthusiastically offering fresh, new and original effects for both the amateur and the professional. We know there are countless effects, puzzles, gags and tricks available, so we're devoted to making sure each customer gets what will bring the most enjoyment possible. Often this means eliminating difficult sleights and sometimes it means creating a new sleight, but always it means you'll be able to perform the effect with confidence.
"Docc has a special gift. He can describe an effect with such dramatic clarity that you feel as if you’ve watched it being performed just by reading it. Combine that with his use of secret methods which are fooling, practical, and designed to be presented to real audiences. He’s got classic taste, modern constructions, and forward thinking approaches. In a craft crowed with imitations, Docc is a true original."
Docc Hilford
store owner
Docc Hilford has been creating and performing original effects for 50 years. He's a recipient of the Milbourne Christopher Award in Mentalism and the PEA Lederman Award for originality. Docc has created for David Blaine, Penn and Teller, and dozens of television shows.
Docc Hilford is well known for taking his creations into the field and actually performing them before paying audiences for months, sometimes for years, before releasing them to the market. No half-baked ideas here. Only proven effects that please an audience. This means he knows what can go wrong and has adjusted the effect to prevent any sort of detection or failure. Docc also strives for ease of performance in his work. Now you can get the audience reactions he gets, without the years of experience necessary for other professional effects.
With over 30 books in print as well as over 100 original tricks on the market, you can be assured of what you'll get with a Docc Hilford original effect... quality.
Because this is a small operation, we cannot store purchased products for customers. Please be sure to DOWNLOAD your videos and podcasts to be saved on your computer.
Thank you - Docc