What would a PERFECT number prediction look like?
Let’s look at what’s available now.
We’ll not consider the use of a stooge or confederates, as that method doesn’t work for most of us.
Add-a-Number gimmicks generally switch four random numbers gathered from the audience, for four numbers the mentalist previously set-up.
Over the years great minds have worked around the switch.
Handlings to make it less noticeable to almost invisible.
The method is always backtrackable.
If the audience thinks clearly, a switch seems the only explanation.
A single index card or borrowed pad is passed to four random audience members for the collection of four numbers.
A disinterested party takes the actual numbers, no switch, and is asked to add the four multi-digit numbers.
The mentalist points out the actual chosen numbers and how they add together.
Both the helper and the mentalist arrive at the same total.
“And we arrived at the same total,” says the mentalist to the helper.
Now the mentalist shows the card to each audience member to allow them to check the addition AND to double check that their number is what’s being added.
“Is this right? Is that your number?” the mentalist asks each participant as he shows the card.
All four agree.
And although every step has been transparent, checked and double checked by every participant, the total was predicted by the mentalist!
This isn’t a prediction - if that were the actual case, the prediction is where the gimmick would have to be concealed.
Like the classic Add-A-Number, the total the mentalist wants, IS the total.
But A.D.D. requires NOTHING!
With just a paper and pen, four random numbers total your prediction!
Once you learn A.D.D. you’ll always be prepared.
Get seven different tricks and routines explained in detail on the ADDitional audio.
Orville Meyer’s Add-a-No Routine
Learn a secret that was taught to Docc several decades ago, but he’s kept secret.
It’s yours now.
The 1089 Routine
A way to use the old 1089 force like an expensive Add-a-No pad.
For special occasions or just for fun.
The Dunninger Opening
Learn the perfect opening for any number trick that puts your audience in the perfect frame of mind for success!
Dunnunger knew it, no you do too.
Everything here:
All for ONLY $29.99
Buy now and get A.D.D. and the tricks, and the BONUSES and the UPDATE all for
ONLY $19.99
For three days only!
I want you to do this trick.
So I’ve added something to get you to try it in your next show.
No practice necessary!
The Policy for Perfection (included in the package) will guarantee you WOW your audience RIGHT AWAY!
Mentalism and Magick is arguably the most noble of pursuits. Both are reliant upon the enjoyment of others. When an audience of any size, from one to one hundred, enjoy a mentalism effect or magick trick, the hobbyist also finds joy. Many hobbyists take their joy to the next level and become professional.
The new Not Docc company has retooled every aspect of the business. With a new dedication to customer service and more cost effective ways of getting more information to more people, Not Docc is committed.
Docc is enthusiastically offering fresh, new and original effects for both the amateur and the professional. We know there are countless effects, puzzles, gags and tricks available, so we're devoted to making sure each customer gets what will bring the most enjoyment possible. Often this means eliminating difficult sleights and sometimes it means creating a new sleight, but always it means you'll be able to perform the effect with confidence.
"Docc has a special gift. He can describe an effect with such dramatic clarity that you feel as if you’ve watched it being performed just by reading it. Combine that with his use of secret methods which are fooling, practical, and designed to be presented to real audiences. He’s got classic taste, modern constructions, and forward thinking approaches. In a craft crowed with imitations, Docc is a true original."
If you’re looking for well thought out, road tested mentalism, enter Docc Hilford. Unlike the pipe-dream effects flooding the market—those half baked, impractical ideas that fall apart under real world conditions—Docc’s creations are built for workers. These are effects with teeth—practical, powerful, and designed to captivate audiences, not bore them into a medical-grade coma. Docc doesn’t just theorize about mentalism; he lives it, and his material reflects that. Whether you’re an enthusiast looking to level up or a full-time pro who demands rock-solid material, this is what mentalism should be—real world, high impact, and built for performers who give a damn.
I’ve been performing full-time for over 30 years, and there’s not a single performer I can think ofwho has influenced my performing style and repertoire more than Docc. He has a unique ability to cut to the heart of an effect, strip away the fluff, and leave you with a turbo-charged miracle. Docc’s products are worth many times what you pay for them, and are suitable for any level ofexperience. Whether you’re a newbie, a hobbyist, or a full-time pro, there’s something here foryou. I can’t count how much I’ve earned through the years performing Docc’s material; but don’t just take my word for it- find out for yourself!
“Docc's ability to pull five climaxes where most of us only see one is remarkable. His effects are an explosion of amazing that leave the audiences gasping. I continue to study his work.”
Docc Hilford
store owner
Docc Hilford has been creating and performing original effects for 50 years. He's a grateful recipient of the Milbourne Christopher Award in Mentalism, the Annemann Award for creativity, the Lionheart Award for bizarre magick and the PEA Lederman Award for originality. Docc has created for David Blaine, Penn and Teller, and dozens of television shows.
Docc Hilford is well known for taking his creations into the field and actually performing them before paying audiences for months, sometimes for years, before releasing them to the market. No half-baked ideas here. Only proven effects that please an audience. This means he knows what can go wrong and has adjusted the effect to prevent any sort of detection or failure. Docc also strives for ease of performance in his work. Now you can get the audience reactions he gets, without the years of experience necessary for other professional effects.
With over 30 books in print , more than 40 DVDs, as well as over 200 original tricks on the market, you can be assured of what you'll get with a Docc Hilford original effect... quality.
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Thank you - Docc