This amazing Doccinar video from 2012 has been updated for 2023.
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1:38:00 MP4 Doccinar Video.
You'll learn three different ORIGINAL effects using the printed page.
Nostrum Newspaper
EFFECT: a straightforward experiment in telepathy.
A random page from a newspaper or magazine is torn into several small pieces.
These are folded and mixed.
One is randomly selected by a subject.
While you’re turned away, the subject circles a word on her slip and re-folds it.
Without touching the folded paper, you REVEAL THE WORD!
Can be performed ANYWHERE on ANY sheet of printed media.
An entirely NEW method!
21st Century Svengali
EFFECT: You demonstrate your ability to influence the mind of a stranger while predicting the future.
You write a prediction on a blank piece of card, fold it and set it on a table of guests.
A random magazine page is torn into 16 slips.
The most attractive person at the table reads your prediction and keeps it in her possession.
Another subject chooses a number from 1 to 16.
That many slips are discarded and the slip at his number is handed to him.
The subject chooses a word on the random slip.
He declares it openly and the prediction you wrote MATCHES EXACTLY!
But wait…
After the applause subsides, you silently stare at the attractive helper.
She silently stands, steps away from the table and without any prompting, hypnotically follows you into the lounge!
An amazing version of the Koran Test WITHOUT KNOWING THE CHOSEN NUMBER before tearing!
Caged Love
EFFECT: A retro demonstration of transpositional psychic ability.
On the street, you offer a mini card reading.
The Three of Hearts is chosen and you give a nice reading.
Then offer a special demonstration.
The index corner is torn off and carefully laid in your wallet.
After some concentration the subject looks at the torn corner, it’s still in the wallet but it’s now the corner of a newspaper!
You rush to the nearest newspaper vending machine, pay, unlock it and grab a newspaper.
At the page indicated by the corner, you find the page has a corner missing.
The retained corner matches.
And the missing card corner is at that page!
Newspapers, magazines, book pages, flyers, posters, even printed wrappers can be used in these remarkable feats of mind reading and precognition.
Learn a new Equivoque, that's done fast a furiously!
Insights and tips on audience management.
You'll also be taught the inside techniques of gaining publicity in magazines and print.
Most of what's taught applies to modern internet shows and podcasts as well.
Learn how performing these three effects in the right places can get you big FAME!
A 30 page eBook, Nostrum Necromancy
Explaining all three tricks, with patter.
The discounted, 2012 price for this package was $49.
Mentalism and Magick is arguably the most noble of pursuits. Both are reliant upon the enjoyment of others. When an audience of any size, from one to one hundred, enjoy a mentalism effect or magick trick, the hobbyist also finds joy. Many hobbyists take their joy to the next level and become professional.
The new Not Docc company has retooled every aspect of the business. With a new dedication to customer service and more cost effective ways of getting more information to more people, Not Docc is committed.
Docc is enthusiastically offering fresh, new and original effects for both the amateur and the professional. We know there are countless effects, puzzles, gags and tricks available, so we're devoted to making sure each customer gets what will bring the most enjoyment possible. Often this means eliminating difficult sleights and sometimes it means creating a new sleight, but always it means you'll be able to perform the effect with confidence.
"Docc has a special gift. He can describe an effect with such dramatic clarity that you feel as if you’ve watched it being performed just by reading it. Combine that with his use of secret methods which are fooling, practical, and designed to be presented to real audiences. He’s got classic taste, modern constructions, and forward thinking approaches. In a craft crowed with imitations, Docc is a true original."
Docc Hilford
store owner
Docc Hilford has been creating and performing original effects for 50 years. He's a recipient of the Milbourne Christopher Award in Mentalism and the PEA Lederman Award for originality. Docc has created for David Blaine, Penn and Teller, and dozens of television shows.
Docc Hilford is well known for taking his creations into the field and actually performing them before paying audiences for months, sometimes for years, before releasing them to the market. No half-baked ideas here. Only proven effects that please an audience. This means he knows what can go wrong and has adjusted the effect to prevent any sort of detection or failure. Docc also strives for ease of performance in his work. Now you can get the audience reactions he gets, without the years of experience necessary for other professional effects.
With over 30 books in print as well as over 100 original tricks on the market, you can be assured of what you'll get with a Docc Hilford original effect... quality.
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Thank you - Docc